WhatsApp is the most popular messaging app nowadays.And its very easy to use.Many of our friends and relatives forward us many messages,pics,videos n any of them are useless and it will use storage very much and there will be some good pics or videos we don't want to delete that.So am going to introduce a new app called Magic cleaner.
A new sartup siftr is behind this App..Its is a user friendly app and very use full one .
The app, Magic Cleaner, scans the media folder of your WhatsApp app and will detects all the junk images including screenshots, memes, video screen grabs, cartoons and other pictures with overlay text. You are then offered an option to delete all the detected images in one click otherwise u can select the ones u dont want to delete.
How does it work? Like Cloud Vision, Google’s image recognition API, Siftr has developed their own image recognition engine that analysis the content of an image to determine whether it’s junk or not. It requires an active Internet connection because the image analysis is done on Siftr servers and not locally on the mobile phone. However it is unlikely to blow up your data plan as the app only uploads a small hash of the image and matches it against their own database of images.(it will only use pleanty of data don't worry )
if u have Whatsapp then Magic cleaner is a must need app to rid over unwanted images and videos.
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